STOP BEING SOFT | Blueprint to Better

STOP BEING SOFT | Blueprint to Better

What's good fam. Let's cut to the chase: stop being soft. You know what I'm talking about. The excessive cheat meals when you're stressed. Skipping the gym when you feel...
Finding Peace Within The Chaos | Blueprint to Better

Finding Peace Within The Chaos | Blueprint to Better

Escaping the noise and distractions all around us is crucial. We live in a world that’s constantly buzzing, with notifications, news, and noise coming at us from all directions. You...
Lead the Change | Blueprint to Better

Lead the Change | Blueprint to Better

True change starts from within.  It's about taking a deep look at yourself, embracing who you are, and committing to be the best version of yourself every day. When you focus on...
Navigating the Lonely Road | Blueprint to Better

Navigating the Lonely Road | Blueprint to Better

I know how tough it can be when you're chasing your dreams and you have little to no support. It's like you're fighting an uphill battle, and sometimes it feels...
The Power of Mindfulness | Blueprint to Better

The Power of Mindfulness | Blueprint to Better

In our relentless pursuit of success, we often overlook a fundamental aspect of our well-being: mindfulness. Mindfulness is not just a trendy concept, its a profound practice that can significantly...
Embrace the Struggle | Blueprint to Better

Embrace the Struggle | Blueprint to Better

Life can be tough. It's like you're on a treadmill that won't slow down, and every time you try to catch your breath, another challenge hits you in the mouth. But fortunately,...
Discipline Is Destiny | Blueprint to Better

Discipline Is Destiny | Blueprint to Better

Success isn't for the faint-hearted. It's not about half-hearted attempts or dipping your toes in the water. It's about diving in headfirst, fully committed, with unrelenting determination. But that’s the...
Win The Day | Blueprint to Better

Win The Day | Blueprint to Better

When we have a goal or vision for our future, it can be extremely discouraging to think about how long, or much will be required, in order to get there. ...
"New Year, New You" | The Blueprint to Better

"New Year, New You" | The Blueprint to Better

We’re closing in on the new year. You’re probably really excited for the fresh start that’s about to happen and the new goals you’ve set to accomplish. You’re excited because...