The Power of Mindfulness | Blueprint to Better
In our relentless pursuit of success, we often overlook a fundamental aspect of our well-being: mindfulness.
Mindfulness is not just a trendy concept, its a profound practice that can significantly enhance our ability to navigate life's challenges with clarity and purpose. Life is crazy. It’s noisy. It’s filled with distractions. We are stimulated constantly. Mindfulness allows us to cultivate a deep sense of awareness, presence, and intentionality, which enables us to remain focused on what matters, make better decisions, and be more fulfilled.

Imagine a state of mind where distractions and problems fade into insignificance, and you arrive at a state of calm and peace. This is the essence of mindfulness. It’s not weird or hippie-like. It makes you better, and if you want to be successful, it will sure as hell help you get there.
I’ve personally been meditating for about four years. With all of the things I have to deal with on a daily basis - the problems I have to solve, decisions I have to make, and people I have to interact with - being alone, still, and mindful has become the highlight of my day and a non-negotiable practice. I’m confident the same could be said for you. The grind isn’t easy, and we need this time to come back to ourselves, to quiet our minds, and be at peace.
Ray Dalio, founder of the world's largest hedge fund and author of the best-selling book "Principles", has this to say about meditation.

In a world filled with constant noise and stimulation, practicing mindfulness is more than something to do, it’s a journey - one towards inner peace and fulfillment. We can reclaim control over our thoughts and emotions, rather than allowing them to dictate our actions. Try incorporating a mindfulness practice into your daily routine. Start with just a few minutes, and try to gradually expand your capacity to stay present amidst the chaos of daily life.
Helpful Info/Resources:
- I’ve tried many different meditation apps. My favorite, and current one, is called Waking Up. Headspace is great as well. Calm and Insight Timer are other options that I’ve used and liked too. Waking up is just the one I like the most.
- Other methods include typing something such as “meditation music” on YouTube or Spotify and finding some audios that you like. I do this for non-guided meditations.
- Try to sit in complete silence without any audio. Just you and your thoughts. You may like this method better. I like guided meditations because they teach along with the practice, and the guide helps me stay focused as my mind always wants to runs a million miles an hour, even after years of meditation.
If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on Instagram (@derekslack_) and I’d be happy to share any other tips on meditation.
Keep pushin' gang.
- Derek