What's good fam. Let's cut to the chase:

stop being soft.

You know what I'm talking about. The excessive cheat meals when you're stressed. Skipping the gym when you feel tired from the day. Not doing what what you say you're going to do. Letting your plan get derailed when things get tough.

Life ain't always smooth, and if you're gonna make it where you're trying to go, you gotta toughen up. Let me drop some game on how to get your mind right and handle business.

1. Face Your Fears

First things first, stop running from your fears. Whatever’s got you shook, confront it head-on. Fear is just a state of mind, and the only way to conquer it is to face it. Be real with yourself. Acknowledge what scares you, and take steps to overcome it. You gotta break through those mental barriers.

2. Stay Disciplined

Discipline is everything. If you want to reach your goals, you gotta put in the work every single day. No excuses. All benefits in life come from compound interest. Set a routine, stick to it, and don’t let anything derail you. It’s not always gonna be easy, but that’s where true growth happens. Stay committed and patient - the results will come.



3. Own Your Mistakes

Stop blaming others for your problems. Own up to your mistakes, learn from them, and move forward. If you can't be accountable to yourself and others for your mistakes, you'll never grow. You’re responsible for your life and your choices. Take control, and don’t let setbacks define you. Learn, adapt, and keep it moving.

4. Build Mental Toughness

Strengthen your mind just like you strengthen your body. Challenge yourself daily. Read, learn, and grow. When you hit a rough patch, don’t crumble – use it as fuel to get better. Mental toughness is built through perseverance and resilience.

5. Cut Out the Negativity

Surround yourself with people who push you to be better. Cut out the negativity and those who bring you down. I live by the principle,"if they're not helping you, they're hurting you". Your circle should be filled with real ones who support your hustle and drive you to succeed. If they’re not on the same wavelength, it’s time to part ways.

6. Stay Hungry

Never get too comfortable. Always stay hungry for more. Set bigger goals, push your limits, and keep striving for greatness. Complacency is the enemy of progress.

7. Get Your Mind Right

Lastly, get your mind right. Focus on what matters, and don’t get caught up in the BS. Distractions are gonna come daily. Meditate, reflect, and keep your thoughts positive. A strong mindset is your greatest weapon.

Success favors the relentless. Stop being soft and do what needs to be done. You got this shit.

June 13, 2024 — Derek Slack

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