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Sophie is a full time college student as well as a full time bodybuilder. She grew up playing soccer, then got into the gym as a freshman in college, and now she is working towards competing in her second bodybuilding show. She is an animal science student at the University of Wisconsin, hoping to go into the animal health industry when she graduates in December. Going through her first competition prep during her junior year of college was a difficult but very rewarding experience. It’s not easy to do something so different from what other college students are doing at the time, but Sophie loves the discipline and challenge that comes with it.

Hometown: Prior Lake, MN

Current Location: Madison, WI

Career: Student

Significant accomplishments: Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Science (exp Dec 2023), nationally qualified NPC competitor, Sponsored Athlete.

Hobbies/Interests: bodybuilding, traveling, animal health

Goals: grow in my future career, become an IFBB Pro, have a positive impact on everyone I surround myself with

Best Piece of Advice: say yes to everything, you never know what opportunities may come out of it.


Instagram: @_smefit
Tiktok: @_smefit